Hire a Bed Bug Exterminator Kitchener

You are mistaken to think that you have no need for a reputable bed bug exterminator Kitchener. Since bed bugs are easily spread by unsuspecting people on the things that they carry with them when they come and go inside your house or establishment, there is a high chance that your home is susceptible to this kind of infestation. If you happen to have a bad case of bed bug infestation at home, professional exterminators who are experts in bed bug control will be your best recourse for help.

What are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are small insects, oval in shape and brownish in color. They thrive by sucking out the lifeblood of other warm-blooded animals, humans included. They are the size of an apple seed and have flat bodies when they reach adulthood. It is easy to know when bed bugs have just finished feeding off from a prey because their bodies are swelled up and take on a reddish color due to the amount of blood they have consumed.
bed bug exterminator Kitchener

Bed bugs are classified as insects, yet unlike other critters of this kind, they don’t have wings of their own. Their lack of ability to fly is compensated by their agility and fast movement. This explains the reason why you can’t easily find them once they are on the floor. They are capable of making swift movements, so fast that they can move from ceiling to walls in almost a snap. If you are wondering why bed bugs can spread so fast, in a matter of days to weeks, they are capable of infesting every room in your house. It is because lady bed bugs are capable of producing thousands of eggs in their entire lifetime, and they do so usually after feeding off from the blood of their unsuspecting prey.

Young or immature bedbugs are referred to as nymphs. Prior to reaching their adult phase, they will shed their skins to a maximum of five times and each time they do this, they will need to have a full blood meal first. Provided that environmental conditions are favorable to them, young bedbugs can fully develop in a month and may be able to produce at least 3 more generations of bed bugs within the same year. While these critters are considered more of a nuisance but not necessarily harmful to be around your house, they are not known to carry communicable diseases.

Hiring Professional Help is a Must!

While it is true that taking on a DIY approach when it comes to bed bugs would be more practical recourse but only if you are actually employing the right strategy to use, I won’t recommend that you do it unless you really have no other better options.  I would encourage you instead to enlist the services of a professional who has a verifiable experience in pest management and control, particularly in the successful extermination of bed bugs.


It is because the extermination of bed bugs will always present a different level of difficulty, and since you are a starter you’d be most challenged by it. The mere fact that you don’t have the proper knowledge and technical skills in managing such infestation make you inept to handle such a job. Therefore, letting a pro do it instead just makes sense.

The real danger of taking on a DIY approach, aside from the fact that there is the risk of reinfestation of bed bugs, you are also running the risk of spending so much more if you do the bed bug eradication yourself. To ensure the highest efficiency in eliminating these pesky critters, consider reaching out to a reputable bed bug exterminator Kitchener now.


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