Fire Ant Extermination in Guelph

By the next time that you will call in for help regarding pest invasion either for your home or for your business establishment, make it sure that you will look for a pest control company that is also offering ant extermination in Guelph. It is because there are many different species of ants whose bites can actually inflict an excruciating pain to the victim. A typical example of such an ant species dread by many, because of its lethal bite, is the dreaded fire ants. 

It has been found out that only a few people can manifest an allergic reaction to fire ant bite, but everyone is susceptible to the pain induced by its sting. It can even be lethal to some people, hence it can be a serious health concern especially if the victim’s body has a reduced level of defense mechanism following an illness. 

Fire Ant Behavior, Diet, and Habit

Fire ants are among the omnivorous ant species. This means to say that these insects can eat almost anything that will come their way, regardless, if it is a dead animal’s flesh or a decaying plant life. Fire ants are known to have a wide range of food in their diet,  they can eat earthworms, honeydew, arthropod eggs, and other kinds of sweets. Their plant food sources can include bird seeds, leaves, and barks of trees. 
ant extermination in Guelph

A young vertebrate animal, mostly newborn to be exact, are in danger’s way when they come in close range with fire ants. Fire ants can viciously attack a newborn animal and consume its flesh after it was subdued. In addition to this, just to illustrate how vicious fire ants can be, there have been thousands of accounts that show fire ants attacking young birds, calves, and rodents. They can bring them down and have them as food for the day. In general, fire ants are known to eat carrion or consume the flesh of a rotting dead animal. It does not really matter if they killed the animal by themselves or just stumbled upon it already dead. 

The young fire ant larvae are incapable of ingesting solid food yet. In order for them to survive, the adult worker fire ant population will feed them with a liquid diet first until such time that their bodies reached and completed their third larval stage. At this point in time, their body systems are fully functional, and thus can readily start ingesting solid food particles. Soon, they will emerge from their nest and join the thousands of other

Telltale Signs of Fire Ant Infestation

One of the more obvious indications that your outdoor space or backyard may be harboring some fire ants is the presence of swarmer and worker ants from this species. Sandy earthen mounds are also another common clue that will tell you that lurking underneath the pile of the earth are the dreaded fire ants. These earth mounds, or as some people would like to call it out as ant hills, will often begin to appear right after a  heavy rainfall. Perhaps the reason behind it is that their underground nest are being inundated by rainwater brought about by the heavy downpour, driving these ants in the process to rise up above ground. 

What to Do In Case of Fire Ant Bite?

Some people may feel an excruciating pain following a bite from a fire ant. To some of us, a sting from a fire ant bite can be lethal, this is aside from the fact that the affected area may eventually produce painful red welts wherein the inflammation may last for a couple of weeks or so.  Emergency medical services should be sought out immediately if the victim’s body experiences severe reaction following a fire ant bite. Symptoms like nausea, excessive itching on the affected area,  the sensation of thickening of the tongue, shortness of breath, or profuse sweating are all indications that you may need to seek medical help right away. 

However, in the absence of the symptoms I mentioned above, you may just treat the affected area like you would a normal insect bite. If you have an available topical cream intended for use on insect bites, use it as a first aid to help relieve swelling and alleviate somehow the physical pain felt by the individual. 

Fire ant sting contains alkaloid venom that can bring excessive irritation on the human skin. A fire ant bite will give you that “stinging, burning sensation” from deep within the affected skin surface. Direct skin contact with this substance can induce white pustules on the surface even red bumps, which may ultimately lead to scarring if the inflammation will remain untreated for days. Fire ants are reputed to always make a savage attack on their victims, and do so always in large numbers. 
Therefore, if you uncovered that your outdoor space, such as garden, backyard, farm, lawn do have fire ants harboring in there it is best that you take all necessary measures you can to eradicate them for good. It is not safe for your household members and even pets to have anywhere near or around your property. 

Fire ant extermination in Guelph is a serious undertaking, therefore, only hire a pest management company that is known to have a stellar reputation when it comes to insect containment and eradication. 


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