Possum Removal Niagara Falls

It has been customary for many of us to make for our gardens and backyard spaces, a cozy bird
feeder for the random birds that come near our place. This practice gives people a sense of being
close to nature despite the fact that they are living in an urbanized area. However, there is one
drawback here, it may actually attract the attention and interest of pests, too, such as possums.
When possums are making their presence known to us, as evidenced by their annoying pitter-patter,
most especially at night you may need to have ready access to pest management companies offering
a high standard of possum removal Niagara Falls service.

If you want to test this out, you can set up a hidden camera and have it fronting your bird feeder for
a convenient view of what is about to happen. Once done, try to monitor if your bird feeder will
invite an activity from pests like possums. Sooner, you’d be amazed to discover that there is a wide
range of pesky animals that are wanting to get access to your bird feeder. You’d probably get a glimpse
of these undesirable critters, especially at night, when everything else is on the quite. The quiet of the
night is a perfect opportunity for qualified pests to clandestinely carry out their foraging habits because
it is unlikely that they will get caught by humans.

When possums come about, they will not directly try to reach out or would try to get hold of the bird
feeder itself right away but may content themselves with just picking up on the scattered bird seeds
that are randomly strewn around the area. Knowing that there could be a steady supply of food in the
form of bird seeds, possums are likely to make a nightly visit to your backyard space for this purpose
alone. Compared to other qualified pests that we know, possums have been found out to have more set
of teeth (50). When coming across a skunk, they can easily become aggressive with them and would
fight them over who gets to collect and consume the scattered bird seeds. There are actually instances
that the skunk odor that you smell pervading around your property could be attributed to those skunk
and possum confrontations. And during this time that possums are getting back and forth, from where
they came from to where your bird feeders are, you are running the risk of letting them discover a route
to your house foundation. If your home is equipped with an air conditioner, they may make a stopover
at the unit’s condensation tray for a much-needed drink. This is where the big trouble would usually
ensue afterward.

Generally speaking, air conditioners do have some kind of opening on the frame in which the unit rests.
If any of the qualified pests we have at home happen to chance upon such openings, they are likely to
squeeze themselves in so much so that they will gain access to your crawl space, without you even
knowing it. When this happens, they are likely to harbor themselves in. It is advantageous to them
knowing that they are in close proximity to their possible food source, and perhaps even water, too. If
these encroaching pests find your home and indoor space too cozy for them to stay in, they will stay
for good and this will run the risk of them depositing their wastes usually alongside your foundation
walls. Another trouble with possum disturbance is that they might bring along fleas. If these possums
are infected with fleas, over time they will multiply and some will get to other areas and latch
themselves to random areas like floors and walls. If you are keeping a household pet, like a dog or
a cat, it is likely that sooner or later they will get infested by fleas, too. It is only a matter of time before
your beloved pets would start to manifest severe itchiness on their skin brought about by flea bites.

This explains the reason why there are homeowners who would reach out to a pest management
company in their town and complain about having flea disturbance in their homes, knowing for a fact
that they themselves don’t even have a pet of their own, to begin with. It comes to them as a surprise
and starts to wonder how on earth that random fleas would be found inside their home when they don’t
even have a dog or a cat for these pests to prey on. There should be an underlying reason for those
kinds of situation, and one of which is that possums and similar pests could be already harboring
inside your home and you don’t even know about it. For this, you may need to reach to a distinguished
pest management company offering possum removal Niagara Falls service. These pros can provide
the help you are looking for, especially when DIY or do-it-yourself measures would not work.


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