Prevent an Infestation With Bed Bug Control in Cambridge

Having bed bug control in Cambridge exterminate pests is convenient and also saves you and your family from further health risks. Bed bugs are notorious for biting people during sleep and leaving bloody trails in the morning.

Not only can their bites irritate the skin, but these bites can turn into very itchy welts in the long run. The worse thing about bed bug bites is that they can be found anywhere on your body since bed bugs do not concentrate on one area while feeding.

A single bed bug lays eggs at about 12 eggs per day and about 200 to 500 in their entire lifespan. If you leave the bed bugs, you see alone. Then you could face an infestation in a matter of days.

Signs That You Have a Bed Bug Infestation

One of the first things you should do is to determine whether you have an infestation in your home or commercial establishments. Plenty of insects could look like bed bugs, but how would you know that you are dealing with one?

1. Bites on the Skin

The most apparent sign is seeing bed bug bites on you or other people’s skin after sleeping in a room with pests. The bites look like small and itchy spots in any part of the body. Bed bugs usually bite near the neck, hands, legs, and arms.

2. Bloodstains on the Sheets

When bed bugs bite humans, they inject an anticoagulant into your skin. That makes the blood flow faster, which causes blood droplets to form while they are feeding. These blood droplets can stick to your sheets when you move while sleeping.

3. Finding Bed Bug Eggs and Skin on Your Mattress

Depending on where the insects are hiding, you can find their eggs and the skin they shed on mattresses, carpets, and even curtains. Sometimes you can even find fecal stains that look like polka dot rust-colored spotting.

Why It’s Hard to Look For Bed Bug Hideouts

What makes bed bugs even more annoying to deal with is their ability to hide well. They don’t come out during the day and choose to feed at night. If you have no experience detecting pests, you might struggle to find one immediately.

You’ll need to know which places to start looking. These could be your sheets, mattresses, carpets, and curtains. You could also try looking for bugs in your pillow covers and inside the box spring of the bed.

Bed bugs can also hide in stuffed toys and on walls. That’s why it’s also important to check children’s rooms for pests in their toys is also essential. Professional pest control services have the equipment and dog detection units to help detect these pests faster.

Hire Pest Control Services for These Reasons

Getting rid of insects can be challenging when you don’t have the experience and equipment. Professionals, however, can adequately identify the pests and also complete the extermination in a much faster time than any DIY process.

1. Quick Detection of Bed Bug Hiding Places

There are pest control services that make use of detection dogs to help them. These trained detection dogs can find insects and other pest hiding places. The dogs are also accompanied by their licensed trainers while finding the bugs.

2. Preventing Infestation

Pest control services start by looking for the presence of the pests and then preventing further infestation. It’s one thing to find infestations but pest control services also emphasize stopping other possible infestations that they find in the area.

Pest control services will also offer you proper advice on how to stop infestations from returning. When they first eliminate the pests, the latter still return if you don’t follow up with thorough cleaning and maintenance of the location.

3. Immediate Extermination of Pests 

Unlike DIY projects that might take several applications, extermination services instantly eliminate pests. Infestations are quickly controlled by these services so that they won't return or multiply after treatment.

4. Treatments Used Are Safe and Eco-Friendly

Currently, most pest control services use eco-friendly treatments to eliminate pests. You can now find heat or traditional treatments used by professionals that are safe for people in the home or commercial areas plagued by insects.

5. The Success Rate in Eliminating Bed Bugs Is High

If you try to eliminate insects, the infestation could still return. The primary benefit of extermination services is that they eliminate insects during their initial treatment. It has a high success rate of removing bugs permanently with its process.

6. It’s More Cost-Effective Than DIY Projects

Some might feel DIY projects are cheaper than hiring professionals to eliminate insects. However, if you're dealing with a massive infestation in the area, you’ll spend more for DIY processes to work.

Can You Completely Get Rid of an Infestation?

The answer is yes; you can get rid of them. The only reason that infestations return is that you did not eliminate them the first time. Professionals ensure that each part of your home or the commercial area where the bed bugs are gets checked thoroughly.

With powerful equipment and a reliable detection rate, pest control services can end your pest problems. They will work with you by combining home remedies and professional pest control treatments to deal with pest infestations.

Another critical factor contributing to pest control services' high success rate is their maintenance methods. They give you proper and efficient advice to stop bringing bed bugs into your home and prevent infestations from spreading.

Live Comfortably Without Pests

If you find bed bugs in your home or in the hotel or bed and breakfast areas that you own, immediately call for pest control. Don’t wait for more infestations or other insects to multiply in the area.

Sleeping is a lot more comfortable when you don't have to worry about these little bugs biting into you while you rest. Your bed should be your resting place, not the insect’s feeding location. Hunt them down with pest control services, so they can never return.

Of course, you can’t stop everyone from possibly bringing bed bugs from other places into your home. When that happens, look for signs that guide you and call bed bug control in Cambridge to take care of the bugs for you.


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