Squirrel Removal Services Kitchener and the Hazards They Carry

If you are under suspicion that your home is harboring squirrels, then chances
are high that you will need the services of squirrel removal services Kitchener
to have them removed or put their presence and disturbance under control, sooner
or later. These animals are most active in the morning and they are also very agile
in the afternoon, so if you are hearing strange noises coming from your attic area
during those time frames it might be them creating those. So, you may want to
investigate this if you want to affirm your suspicion.

When squirrels found their way into your home, they can be a big nuisance. Most of
the time, they are going to target your attic area, and they will do so because
this spot in your house can provide the perfect breeding or nesting ground. Hence,
you will see them with their young nursing them here to health. This scenario can
eventually create havoc and great inconvenience to your household. Therefore, it
is very important to have them removed right away.

Why is it too risky to have squirrels in your home? When they found their way into
your indoor spaces, they can chew up or cause serious damage to your home’s
electrical wiring and insulation, induce foul smelling odor and staining, possible health

Damage to Your Insulation and Electrical Wiring System

Science qualifies squirrels as belonging to the family of rodents. This means to say
that their incisors or front teeth set are constantly growing. Hence, they have an
incessant urge to chew on hard objects to stunt the unwanted growth of their teeth
and this explains their behavior why they have an urge to chew on your home’s
electrical wiring. Aside from electrical or phone wirings, they may also gnaw on
your wood sidings and insulation panels. This natural behavior of squirrels can create
serious damage to your indoor space, and they are capable of creating a fire
hazard simply by causing cosmetic damage to your home or work environment’s
electrical wiring.

Aside from chewing on almost anything they could, one other thing that homeowners
found so annoying about squirrels is the fact that they defecate and urinate frequently.
Their fecal remains and urine can altogether a foul, putrid smell and create a
disgusting effluvium when the area is an enclosed space. If their urine found their way
into your wirings, it may need to be replaced sooner.

Stains and Smells

As mentioned earlier, the urine and fecal remains of squirrels are sure to create an
offensive smell that will send you to a vomit attack. Aside from the smell, they can
also leave behind staining and discoloration on your flooring surface. The sight and
mark they leave behind can be very annoying because you will have a hard time
cleaning it on your own. To completely remove the stain marks, you may have enlisted
a professional cleaner and have it restored. This can be a very expensive undertaking
and an unsettling situation to be in especially if you are planning to sell your
house in the future. No homebuyer or property hunter will want to buy a house that smells
like squirrel pee nor will they be interested in acquiring and moving to a home with
obvious markings of squirrel fecal remains.

Health Hazards

Common sense will tell you that squirrel fecal remains and their urine tracts can
bring about a number of health issues and thus can possibly put human health
and wellbeing in danger. Squirrel droppings contain salmonella which if they found
their way to us through our mouth can induce us to have vomiting and diarrhea.
Animals who belong to the family of rodents usually are carriers of a manifold
of diseases.  Generally speaking, squirrels are disease-free. But even so, the
urine soaked floors of the recently squirrel infested home will not be a healthy
place to be in.

The annoying behavior of squirrels qualifies them as nuisance critters. And thus as a
homemaker, in protecting the integrity of your home and the safety of your household
members, must take up all measures available to keep their invasion at bay. You can
opt to trap the squirrels or have some professionals do the job for you, and then
eventually transport them somewhere else to be released there instead. This measure
will help prevent them finding their way back to your home.

The continued safety and security of your home or work environment against this
pesky animal will start by having an available ready access to pest management
companies offering highest standards of squirrel removal services Kitchener.


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