The Principles of Integrated Pest Management Services Hamilton

When you are looking for an environmentally sensitive approach to pest control and management that relies heavily on the combination of several common-sense practices, then you might want to consider integrated pest management services Hamilton.  You may ask what is an integrated pest management service? This type of pest management approach makes use of the comprehensive information on pests regarding the interaction they have to their immediate environment together with their expected life cycles. All the relevant information obtained, in conjunction with several other pest control methods, are used to help put pest damage under a controllable level by making use of what can be qualified as an economical means. This measure helps ensure that there is going to be at least hazard to property, people, and the environment.

pest management services Hamilton

How Do Integrated Pest Management Arrangements Work? 

We should never qualify any integrated pest management approach as an all-around, single pest control method to use. We should rather see them as a series of pest control and management controls, decisions, and evaluations. IPM practitioners who are fully aware of the potential for a full blown infestation follow this four-part approach. These include the following: 

Set Action Thresholds  

Prior to employing any kind of pest management and control action, what an IPM approach does first is to an action threshold. This is the point where environmental conditions and pest populations are used as an indicating factor that tells whether or not you should start taking a pest control action. It does not always mean that the presence of a single pest necessitates an all out pest control action right ahead. This is the point of time in which pests display their natural tendency to become a dreaded economic threat, which can be of significant help in guiding future pest control actions. 

Pest Identification and Monitoring

Not all weeds, wild animals, insects, and many other things can be qualified as pests, and thus they require no amount of control. Every time that you come across a living organism that you are not familiar with, you don’t qualify them right away as pest. Many living things are innocuous, in fact a good number of them are beneficial to the environment and are helpful in keeping a good balance to the ecosystem. However, due to lack of awareness or background about their nature, we tend to dismiss them as pests. The intention of IPM programs is to help identify pesky critters and monitor them. This will help pave way in coming up with appropriate control decisions with respect to action thresholds. The pest identification and monitoring part will help decide whether the use of pesticides will be necessary or if the wrong kind of pesticide is used instead. 


IPM programs are considered as a first line of defense when it comes to pest control and management, they are specifically designed to work on managing lawns, crops, and indoor spaces in an effort to keep pest population down and keep them from making an infestation, and become full blown pests. In an agricultural setting, this may signify the use of cultural methods like selecting crop varieties that are known to be pest-resistant or planting a qualified pest-free roofstock. These control techniques are high impacting and cost-effective, but more importantly they present less to no risk to both humans and the environment. 


The moment that identification, monitoring, and action thresholds indicate that pest control  measure is necessary, or when you observed that preventive methods no longer serve their purpose or are no longer available or effective, IPM programs can be taken advantage of in order to assess the right kind pest control approach for risk and effectiveness. Pest control methods that tend to offer less risk and effectiveness are normally chosen first. This includes those involved with the use of highly targeted chemicals like pheromones, which is intended to disrupt mating activity of insects like fire ants. After monitoring pest activity, and if action thresholds or identification would show that the less risky pest control techniques are showing signs they are not that effective anymore, then the addition of other forms of control method may be employed like the use of specially formulated pesticides. The last resort for such scenario would be the broadcast spraying of non-specific pesticide. 

When you are a homeowner and are keen on putting a stop to an impending pest management service Integrated pest management services Hamilton.


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