What Everyone Must Know About Possum Removal in Guelph

There are some people who may never really have a full understanding why pest
management companies offering possum removal in Guelph is such an important service to be aware of.  I think the only time that these people will see
the real value of this kind of service is when these pesky critters have invaded their very own
homes so that they can have a taste of how it feels like to have these pesky animals under
their roof.
To some people, the mere mention of possums/opossums is enough to annoy them already,
most especially if they had prior experience with them and the recent infestation they did to
their homes.  The main reason why possums are qualified as a pest is that of their annoying
scavenging habits. If there happens to be a family of possums somewhere in your
neighborhood, you must anticipate that they will invade your rubbish in search of food. Also,
you must not leave your pet food canisters outside of your house or else these critters will
make a way to get to them and consume everything.  Additionally, they also like to take
shelter in human homes, particularly literally under the roofing systems.  If these animals
invade a home, they will usually seek shelter and take up space in your attic.

possum removal in Guelph
You would often hear homemakers who had prior possum infestation problem in their homes  
complain about any or all of the following:

  • They take refuge in the attic area
  • They have this habit of stealing dog food or treats or taking up bird seeds
  • Their sheer presence is sensed by your dogs and agitates them
  • A sickly possum could possibly transmit a disease
  • Possums living underneath the house
  • Dead possum somewhere in the ceiling producing a putrid smell
These are some of the reasons why homemakers are moved to wanting to have these
animals contained and removed from their abode for good. But since they are not always
capable of doing it themselves, they need to enlist the help and services of a professional
pest control team.
Possum Behavior
Perhaps one of the best ways you can describe possums is that they are very opportunistic
animals and nomadic by nature.  Usually, they like to take refuge and eventually live in
human structures, anywhere they can find convenient to be in.  The moment they have
settled in your home, they will rummage around at night searching for food and anything they
can possibly eat. They actually eat pretty much anything but they have a special preference
to meat, and can even consume a decaying carcass.
Contrary to popular notion, they are not agile as what many people think.  But even if they are
not nimble in their movements, they will stand their ground when faced with an imminent
threat bearing out their 50 sets of sharp teeth. If these animals are finding themselves in a
very dire situation, their natural instinct would be to feign their death.  Some people know this
as the “possum play”, they would fall down on the ground, motionless as if dead,  with their
tongue hanging out.

Possum Nuisance Concerns
As I’ve mentioned earlier, possums are an opportunistic kind of animal and this renders them
to be always in conflict with humans because they will scavenge on everything that they can
possibly find food in such as garbage, rubbish, pet food canisters, and much more.  If you are
a pet owner or keeping a dog in your house, the mere presence of possum anywhere in your
house can agitate them almost all the time. If your dog chases them out, a possum may
retaliate against him and may actually give your dog a nasty bite in the hope of scaring your
dog away. Aside from these, there is also a possibility that they are carrying fleas or other
Perhaps the most annoying thing they can possibly do is to take residence also inside your
very own house, particularly in your attic or roofing system. If they happen to access this
particular area of your home, they will transform your attic into their own private toilet.
Eventually, they will fill this area of your home with their foul smelling droppings. If possums
are harboring somewhere in your house, and if for some reason they died inside there could
be no possible way to retrieve them out. They will eventually rot and the fetid smell of the
rotting body will fill the area, and then soon after it will fill your house. So the whole ordeal will
be horrible, so to speak.
Possum Carrying Disease?
Possums are not reputed to carry the rabies virus in themselves. It is because the virus itself
would not sit well with them since they have a lower than average body temperature.  
However, they are a known carrier of different kinds of parasites, such as ticks and fleas.
Another bad thing when having a possum infestation anywhere in your home or garage area
is that they produce huge quantities of excrement, which can possibly carry the salmonella
virus or the leptospirosis virus.
If you are interested to know if there are any possum repellent product that you can use to
drive possums away, the answer to that would be no. There is no such product available in
the market today. What you may possibly come across with would be urine-based or
mothball-based anti-possum products, however,  a word of caution about them as most of the
time they are bogus and would not repel possums away. As of this writing, there is no
registered product yet that is specifically formulated to target possums. It is sad to know also
that products that claim to help dispel possums away by emitting ultrasonic sound emitters
don’t work either.

This puts us into that sad conclusion that there is no possible way that pestered homemakers
will be able to drive away possums out of their yards, their homes and their lives on their
own. Currently, the only practical means they can take advantage of when it comes to Possum
containment and removal is to enlist the services of a pest management group offering
possum removal in Guelph.


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