Where Do Insects Go When It Rains According to Insect Exterminators Hamilton

There is nothing unusual when you see a myriad of crawling and flying insects during a hot sunny day in the summer but have you ever pondered where these critters go to at the outset of rain? Could they be hiding in some secret facility they have and then out again only after a heavy downpour? Insect exterminators Hamilton area can help answer this mind-boggling question here.

When you hire a distinguished pest control company to help contain your pesky crawling or flying insects, it is inevitable for them not to share with you some interesting facts and information about the animal kingdom, particularly the world of insects. It is because they know that some of these things are too important for you to know as to help keep the chances of unwanted insects from invading your indoor spaces.

All of us, at one point in time, may have witnessed an instance when a poor spider got washed and sucked down a plughole. It’s such a pity to see a poor insect die just like that. Such a scene gives us all an idea how vulnerable spiders, and many other insects in general, can be in the midst of a gushing rainwater. Sometimes, it really makes me think that an inundating rain is actually the worst enemy that critters from the insect world could ever face up with.

Insects surviving a shower could just be another case that you will want to add to your “it depends on” things. It will depend on the volume of the rainfall as well as the type of the insect which is out in the rain. Most insects will take a rain fall in a stride just like us humans,  especially if the shower is just moderate and not heavy. They might just try to find something to shelter them from the sudden drizzle. Hence, don’t be surprised if you happen to see some insects underneath the leaves, tree branches, or crevices, taking refuge from the rain. Much like humans, in a sense, the animal kingdom might also enjoy the sudden light showers as it freshens up the surroundings and cleans up the air.

However, things are quite different and may actually take a 360-degree turn if there is a heavy downpour of rain instead. Pest management professionals can affirm this if you want to. Those insects that are in one way or another have been associated with water at one point in their lives, such as mosquitoes and water skaters. These critters will negotiate the rising and inundating rain waters with greater ease, and will not be heavily impacted by them. On the contrary, those insects that are used on dry land will have much to suffer and unfortunately many will perish. The natural tendency of larger insects is to latch themselves to whatever stable object they can hold onto, such as tree branches and so on, and survive the rising level of water during a heavy downpour of rain. These insects will have to configure on their own how they’d be able to float on the water surface while at the same time struggling to protect themselves.

Distinguished pest control companies will agree with me in saying that insects, generally speaking, don’t necessarily drown. Most of the time, rainwater will just displace them out from their hiding and the next thing that will happen is they will find themselves in a totally different environment.

Ants, in particular, and a host of other similar small burrowing insects are capable of finding small pockets of space underground, even during a heavy downpour of rain and rising water. These and other small insects can survive for weeks even if there is just a little amount of oxygen in these pockets of space. The moment that the inundating waters have subsided, the small insects will have better chances of their survival. As for the ants, they are most likely to wander about and seek for new drier spaces in which they can nest in.

Can Insects Predict Rainfall?

One major scientific discovery about insects is that they can “sense” sudden changes in the weather. They are capable of gauging changes in atmospheric pressure differences. This signifies that they can determine the exact amount of time in which rain will fall, and this works to their advantage because it enables them to buy some time to get themselves prepared for that big shower, even before humans could see it coming. This is evidently observed in regions known to have strong monsoon rains, that just before a heavy downpour begins, insects of different sizes and shapes would congregate on the exterior walls of buildings and other structures as if they are trying to look for some kind of shelter. Moments later the heavy downpour of rain will start falling.

With the presence of extra moisture in the air prior to rainfall, it renders much difficulty for most insects to fly and in some cases can be damaging to their wings also. Thus, they resort to just stay safe inside their dwelling spaces until the showers have subsided.

But there are also species of insects that are actually in anticipation of the rain since it is substantial for them to complete their reproduction cycle. One good example of which is the rain beetles. These critters live underground, and when the rainy season comes the females can be seen emerging from the ground up to release their pheromones. The males, on the other hand, are also aware of the rain, leave their soil forts early in the morning, to follow these pheromone trails. It will help lead them to a female’s burrow so they can mate together. The female will lay her eggs there and they will be together until the next rainy season.

What Does it Mean that Insects are Ectothermic?

You may not have encountered this word yet before but ectothermic simply means that the bodies of insects and its activity are heavily influenced by one external factor and that is temperature. These critters, regardless of size and shape, rely heavily on the prevailing temperature in their surroundings. When temperatures are dropping and the air is growing colder by the minute, insects tend to move at a much slower pace. But when there is a spike in temperature, they have an increased mobility and they seem to be much more active  and alert when the air is warm and humid.

When your life is highly dictated by the environment, especially in the case of the insects, it would be hard and very challenging to really survive for long. Nobody, even these pesky insects would want to be frozen in place with each and every time that there is a sudden bluster of chilly weather. Therefore, these insects need to come up with a number of tricks that are up to their sleeves which will help them successfully deal with any kind of inclement weather conditions.

Take for instance how the bees are keeping themselves warm if there is a sudden and abrupt drop in temperature. In order to keep themselves warm and comfy during a cold climate, they huddle together to create natural body warmth within themselves. It is much like how we humans do when we snuggle together. And as for the queen bumblebees, what they do is to disengage their wings so that they can make use of their muscle wings in heat generation purposes. But for the arthropods, like spiders, scorpions, and centipedes, their bodies are known to have antifreeze proteins which are substantially helpful to them during extremely cold weather conditions.

Insect Removal and Extermination

There are a number of factors to consider when you hire a professional pest control company to handle your insect infestation concerns, most especially when it comes to the costs of such services. The sheer size and number of the insect nests to be removed is an important consideration as well as the exact location of their nests.

A reputable pest management and control company with a dedicated team of insect exterminators Hamilton not only have the right equipment and tools to use in containing various kinds of insect pests but more importantly, they have the technical expertise and experience in this line of work. It is something very important that most of us don’t have, Without which, they will have a slim chance of success in putting an end to your insect pest infestation problem.


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